Hafeni Hamunyela

Hafeni Hamunyela - Legal Practitioner

Hafeni commenced his articles of clerkship with Koep & Partners in July 2012 and was admitted as a Legal Practitioner of the High Court of Namibia on 27th September 2013.He is a Court-Connected mediator of the High Court of Namibia and a conciliator appointed in terms of section 82(1) & (2) of the Labour Act 11 of 2007. He is also a Notary Public. Hafeni holds a B. Juris Degree and LLB Honours Degree from the University of Namibia, and is expected to obtain a Masters Degree in Corporate Law in 2021 with the University of South Africa. In December 2014, he joined Trustco Insurance Limited (Legal Shield) as a legal consultant. Hafeni also worked at the Oce of the Government Attorney (Civil Litigation) for a period of 5 years and thereafter he joined the Oce of the Prosecutor General (Asset Forfeiture Unit) for a period of 2 years. In 2019, he was attached to the National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa (Asset Forfeiture Unit) for a month. Hafeni’s area of practice focuses on labour law, administrative law, family/divorce law, asset forfeiture, civil litigation, constitutional law, contract law, debt collection, motor vehicle accident claims and legal advice.

Joseph Andreas - Legal Practitioner

Joseph commenced his articles of clerkship with Kaumbi-Shikale Inc in March 2012 and was admitted as a Legal Practitioner of the High Court of Namibia on 25 October 2013. He is a Notary Public appointed in terms of section 86(2) of the Legal Practitioners Act, Act 15 of 1995. Joseph holds a B. Juris Degree and LLB Honours Degree from the University of Namibia. Prior to venturing into the private practice, Joseph was employed as a Chief Legal Ocer at a demanding Oce of the Prosecutor-General. He practiced as a State Prosecutor (State Advocate) from 04 March 2013 until February 2021. His preferred area of practice is criminal litigation, civil litigation, labour law, law of contract, administrative law and family law (divorce).

Joseph Andreas

Herman Wanda Mavulu - Candidate Legal Practitioner

Herman Wanda Mavulu holds LLB Honours Degree from the University of Namibia in 2022. He commenced his articles of clerkship at Andreas-Hamunyela under the supervision of Hafeni Hamunyela in March 2023. Herman is interested in litigation, more particularly commercial litigation, debt collection, family/divorce law, motor vehicle accident claims and dispute resolution.

Naina Frieda Julia Lucia Ishitile - Candidate Legal Practitioner

Naina Ishitile holds LLB Honours Degree from the University of Namibia in 2023. She commenced her articles of clerkship at Andreas-Hamunyela under the supervision of Hafeni Hamunyela in April 2023. Naina is interested in litigation, more particularly labour law, family law (divorce) and drafting of contracts.

Margaret Mbenzi

Margaret Mbenzi - Secretary / Receptionist

Margaret holds a Bachelor Degree (Honours) in Marketing Management from International University of Management. She provides administrative support to ensure ecient operation of the oce.

Elmerencia Awases - Administrative Ocer / Messenger

She provides administrative support to ensure ecient operation of the oce.